An uncontested divorce involves the quick dissolution of a marriage without the necessity of seeking a judicial determination of any issues. Following the submission of the requisite papers, the court reviews the petition and issues a final judgement of divorce. Splitting couples who reach an agreement with respect to the division of assets, spousal support, child support and parenting plans can request an uncontested divorce from the court. An uncontested divorce saves time and resources.
In the event that an agreement regarding an uncontested divorce cannot be reached at the outset, our office competently handles litigated contested divorces. These contested matters are handled with an eye toward reaching final resolution quickly. A divorce should be handled by an experienced litigator with offices equipped for meeting clients and providing legal advice. The Law Office of Dayton P. Haigney is well-suited to address all of your divorce needs. |
Uncontested Divorce
Uncontested Divorce
Uncontested Divorce
Contested Divorce
$275 per hour
$275 per hour
Law Office of Dayton P. Haigney
233 Broadway, Suite 2348
New York, NY 10279
(212) 557-5590
[email protected]
233 Broadway, Suite 2348
New York, NY 10279
(212) 557-5590
[email protected]
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